Friday, July 23, 2010

if only i knew how to appreciate the things i have before i lost them :(

i'm really never good at appreciating what i have in front of me. i tend to seek more of the things that i want instead of learning to love and care for the nice people around me. why am i like this ? honestly this isn't the 1st time. and every time i failed miserably. its certainly a very bad habit to have. can't seem to change it. always taking people for granted. and when problems arise all i do is whine whine whine. sigh, when will i ever learn? is there anything that i can do to gain back what i have lost? if i wasn't so ego, so face- conscious, i would have had it back. but no, i flunked it. i was selfish, demanding , obsolete and on top of all, foolish. and so when i say to others around me that i don't care about "them" anymore, deep down inside, i;ll always do. no one needs to know the truth, since it certainly won't change a single thing. coz its just too little too late~

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